Monday, November 19, 2012

So you don't craft... You still have an opportunity at Mi Amour Boutique

Not everyone is crafty, but you may still have something to offer and a way to make commission at  
The first thing you need to do is go to the boutique and sign up for our affiliate program.  Once you have done that, login to your account and click on MY ACCOUNT at the top, right hand corner.  A box with your account details will appear and at the bottom it will say affiliate.  Click on that link and you will be provided with an Affiliate URL (a link).  All you need to do is copy and paste this URL to any of the following sites to receive commission on any sales generated from your efforts.

Bloggers:  Use the URL in a post about the boutique, or a sidebar advertisement.
Pinterest:  Use the URL to pin.  Simply click the add + button on the top of your Pinterest account and then select ADD PIN, paste your affiliate URL there.   If you would like to pin a specific item, just go to the item in the boutique and click on the Pinterest icon under the main image, add your URL in the text box.

Facebook:  You can share items on facebook with your friends by simply clicking the facebook icon below the items picture, or you can share the whole site by just pasting your URL in your status.  You can also share our Facebook page by clicking on the cog wheel in the upper right hand corner of the page and choosing SHARE from the drop down menu.

Twitter: Just paste your URL right into twitter! You can also share specific items by clicking on the twitter icon under the main picture of the item.

Your own website:  Add your URL to your website, you can create an add or you can simply add it to a list of links.

You can use the URL anywhere on the web where you can share.  You can even paste it into the comments of blogs and other forums.  Please be a good representative of our shop and always be respectful and polite and positive!

Please be respectful in your posts and shares.  If there are any URL's associated with deprecating, vulgar or otherwise deemed inappropriate content your affiliate ID will be removed.

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