Friday, November 9, 2012


Welcome to Mi Amour Boutique's blog.  I'm Valerie, owner and entrepreneur of my small online boutique. I have a different vision than to just sell as much as possible.  First off, I LOVE craftspeople.  I am a big time crafts-person myself.  I can replicate just about any craft, I sew, make jewelry, wood arts, clay, bath and body products, and a lot more.  My family has said before, that if they got stuck on a deserted island, they would only want to take me, because I can make anything, out of anything. I attended the LDS business college in Salt Lake City where I got a certification in Interior design.  I also am a certified  Foot Zone Therapist and Personal Fitness Trainer.  I probably spread myself too thin with my talents, but I just really enjoy exploring what I am capable of doing and sharing it with others.  
My family has struggled over the years to make ends meet while my husband was in school and working full time, and I chose to stay home with the kids.  I wanted a way to make money using my crafting talent, but I found it very difficult to carve a niche for myself, but mostly it was much less fun to spend a majority of my time trying to start a business when all I really wanted to do was create.  

Hip bag, can also be worn as a messenger or shoulder bag. You know you want one!
I had an idea one day while contemplating things I wanted to sell.  I thought, I don't have time to make dozens of the same item...  If only there were someone who could do it for me.  Exporting from another country seemed to cheapen the product.  Literally, plus there are many issues with exporting from china, they frequently have been known to steal peoples designs etc.  Then I thought, if only there were more of me.  LIGHT BULB.  There are a lot more of me. There are tons of other stay at home moms with talent that is not being utilized, and they could really use some cash too!  I even thought of a way women who do not craft can make some cash and be utilized.  (see next post) 
And so Mi Amour Boutique was born.  Because it's all about my love, and what you love.  Here is how it works:
I take consignors: People who already make an amazing product and want to sell it with me. We split the profit.

I take manufacturers: People who are highly talented in producing crafts, but maybe not so much in the design department.  They get a project from me, replicate it and then sell it back at a higher wholesale price. Ideal for jewelry makers, crocheters, knitters and seamstresses, but not exclusively. 

Marketers: Any successful business needs affordable marketing.  This is the simplest way to earn money.  You simply spread the word about the boutique across the social media of the internet.  Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Flick'r, your blog, forums or anywhere you can talk about it.  Traffic that is directed from your marketing is tracked and you earn a commission from the sales.  It's so easy, that on each product page there are little icons under the image for posting to your favorite social media, all you have to do is add your unique URL, so it can be tracked. 

^The red arrows indicate how easy it is to share products on social media.^

There's a place for most everyone to earn a little extra cash and/or do what they love.  If you are interested in any of these opportunities please contact Valerie at miamourboutique dot com.  You do not have to be a stay at home mom.  Any quality, crafts-person is welcome in my shop.     

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